
Johan­nes is very gifted, clear, and kind. Sort of a spi­ri­tu­al sci­en­tist. He lis­tens and responds respectful­ly. The Hyp­no-trance jour­ney was par­ti­cu­lar­ly hel­pful in working with the grie­ving pro­cess of losing my mother. His work is part of a wide world of mindful­ness trai­ning in which you face and go through your chal­lenges, final­ly rea­ching a point of rest.


I came to Johan­nes with a gre­at dilem­ma in my life. In the Hyp­no­sis I went into a deep­ness, groun­ded, no thin­king any more sta­te, very silent. Then I went into the situa­ti­on which cau­sed the dilem­ma like it was a film that I was play­ing in. And the­re I could easi­ly chan­ge the situa­ti­on and lear­ned that I have the choice to trans­form my life into what I real­ly want!
It made me real­ly hap­py and ful­fil­led to feel this new situa­ti­on. This is an ama­zing tool to trans­form the histo­ry and past. Johan­nes gives me a fee­ling of trust and space whe­re I can be.


In the begin­ning of the hyp­no­sis I felt more and more hea­vy, like deep sleep and at the same time awa­ke and awa­re. I felt safe and well taken care of. I came to the the­ra­py with some­thing in my life whe­re I am suf­fe­ring emo­tio­nal­ly and phy­si­cal­ly at the same time. It felt like the oppo­si­te of what I actual­ly wan­ted. Johan­nes let me dis­co­ver tho­se two very dif­fe­rent expe­ri­en­ces and how I can bring them tog­e­ther. The expe­ri­ence was very inte­res­t­ing! I felt strong cen­te­red and rela­xed. I lear­ned how to distance from an old belief that wea­k­ens me.
I tru­ly recom­mend Johan­nes becau­se he is the­re with an art of empa­thy, curio­si­ty and respect for the other per­son. I feel safe and seen.


My expe­ri­ence about this type of psychotherapy:
I much enjoy­ed to be able to sink and let mys­elf fall into the situa­ti­on that was bothe­ring me in my dai­ly life. I felt I don’t have to ful­fill any­thing or don’t have to meet expec­ta­ti­ons. This crea­ted trust and a fee­ling of rela­xa­ti­on. He allo­wed me to look at my situa­ti­on wit­hout wan­ting to chan­ge any­thing. He allo­wed me to feel the dif­fe­rent aspects and to be with them at the same time. So, I could inte­gra­te both sides, which felt strong. I felt con­nec­ted to most inner wis­hes and stop­ped fight­ing, which felt gre­at. I could see that the­re is a strong power in inte­gra­ting, accep­ting and allo­wing vulnerability.
With this spi­ri­tu­al the­ra­py one can sink into expe­ri­en­ces and fee­lings that are nor­mal­ly hid­den and pro­tec­ted. I didn’t feel at all forced to do so, I could always deci­de how deep I want to go.


I had the strong fee­ling of being a vic­tim during the epi­so­des of depres­si­on. In sum­ma­ry, I can say Johan­nes explai­ned me that it’s a lear­ned beha­vi­or. He led me into a hyp­no­sis, as an expe­ri­ence to explo­re about this. The­re I could see my past from a distance. My for­mer and my pre­sent self whe­re con­nec­ted in a mys­te­rious way. It’s ama­zing how the inner child still influen­ces the way I act in cer­tain situa­tions alt­hough my pre­sent self would usual­ly react in a dif­fe­rent way.
The past is over! With my pre­sent self I am able to mana­ge that situa­ti­on in ano­ther way. I recom­mend Johan­nes and his psy­cho­the­ra­py. He was very gent­le and relia­ble with me and he encou­ra­ged me.


Johan­nes invi­ted me to look at a situa­ti­on in my life that I suf­fer from or that I might want to chan­ge. Strong emo­ti­ons came up and he gui­ded me to what was deeper. I went through a black hole expe­ri­en­cing rage and com­ple­te betra­y­al. In the last part of the black hole I saw ‘me’ being com­ple­te­ly bur­ned away until no-thing was left, only a bea­ting heart was pre­sent with a ball of fire in the­re. Then all was clear and cla­ri­ty puri­ty and life force was expe­ri­en­ced. When we explo­red that even fur­ther, I dis­co­ver­ed that this is my true nature.
I never felt that befo­re. Johan­nes gui­des very calm and sen­si­tively. I am so gra­teful Johannes!


Hi Johan­nes,
I rea­li­zed, sin­ce the the­ra­py ses­si­on with you, that my rela­ti­onship with my mother has been res­to­red to one of love, com­pas­si­on, harm­o­ny, and joyful inter­ac­tion. I’m sure it has to do with the pro­cess you took me through for it is utter­ly fresh. My mother tells me she has felt a shift within hers­elf, as well. I find mys­elf awa­re and open in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, now asking, “What is it you want mom? What would you like?” (Ins­tead if run­ning out the door in pain, with my mind chat­te­ring!) So, I feel such gre­at gra­ti­tu­de for the time you gave to me and the bles­sing of heal­ing. May it continue.
Love, Ronald 


I suf­fe­r­ed from a fee­ling about my work, which made me feel very depres­sed again and again. In seve­ral psy­cho­the­ra­py ses­si­ons we inves­ti­ga­ted this tog­e­ther and last time a lot of fear came up, Johan­nes invi­ted me to look deeper into the fear and to explo­re what the natu­re of it is. Even­tual­ly I could expe­ri­ence wide-open space and an open­ness! I was in open loving ener­gy for half an hour. That was excellent.
The main dis­co­very was that when I am in open loving ener­gy ever­y­thing I do pro­fes­sio­nal­ly can be ful­fil­ling. On top I can do some­thing that I also enjoy. He also focu­sed on how I lea­ve that open space, rei­den­ti­fy and take things per­so­nal­ly.  When­ever I take a fee­ling per­so­nal­ly I reidentify.

Johan­nes tech­ni­que is excellent.

Joachim F., author

Johan­nes hel­ped me through a seve­re per­so­nal cri­sis, whe­re I was not able to get ahead with nor­mal psy­cho­the­ra­py. With empa­thy and empa­thy he show­ed me how I can influence my emo­ti­ons and psy­chic sta­tes through body awa­re­ness and body con­trol.  A tru­ly holi­stic work, which Johan­nes accom­pa­nies with care, respect and a lot of security.


In a depres­si­ve pha­se I came to Johan­nes and from the begin­ning I felt well cared for and safe with him.
His atten­ti­on to my men­tal and phy­si­cal con­di­ti­on during the con­ver­sa­ti­on and in the fol­lo­wing tre­at­ment was always car­ri­ed by sym­pa­thy and deep huma­ni­ty. In this way I was able to let mys­elf in on the “going into pain” on the body level.
With Johan­nes sup­port and con­cen­tra­ti­on on my breath, I was able to release mys­elf from pain more and more often. In the end, after a few deli­cious minu­tes of rela­xa­ti­on, I felt as if I had been put tog­e­ther again each time.

For this my sin­ce­re thanks!

Kers­tin — artist — film­ma­ker — Berlin


Johan­nes hel­ped me through a serious per­so­nal cri­sis, whe­re I was not able to get ahead with nor­mal psy­cho­the­ra­py. With empa­thy and empa­thy he show­ed me how I can influence my emo­ti­ons and psy­chic sta­tes through body awa­re­ness and body con­trol.  A tru­ly holi­stic work, which Johan­nes accom­pa­nies with care, respect and a lot of reliability.

Ste­fan, Psy­cho­lo­gist — Berlin


I was with Johan­nes to pro­cess the death of my mother, and inde­ed it beca­me an inten­se, very valuable and libe­ra­ting explo­ra­ti­on of my child­hood. In just a few minu­tes, almost in every ses­si­on, we came across very essen­ti­al expe­ri­en­ces, beliefs, fears and lon­gings, which I was not only able to feel and bring into moti­on, but with his help I was also able to trans­form them into very con­cre­te ide­as for deal­ing with them. After 10 ses­si­ons, I have now rea­ched the goal of my actu­al con­cern; and I am a litt­le dif­fe­rent per­son than befo­re. Freer, cal­mer, more con­scious and more trus­ting. Thank you Johan­nes, that was a gre­at and a litt­le bit mira­cu­lous coope­ra­ti­on with you!

Tim — Coach — Berlin

Bendict — Testimonial

I suf­fe­r­ed from seve­re sleep dis­or­ders for a long peri­od of time and bla­med my job for it. Alt­hough out­ward­ly ever­y­thing was actual­ly fine. After I had unsuc­cessful­ly tried again and again with dif­fe­rent tech­ni­ques to get the sleep dis­tur­ban­ces under con­trol, I wan­ted to quit my job. 

In four hyp­no­sis and psy­cho­the­ra­py ses­si­ons we got to the bot­tom of my thought pat­terns and fee­lings. Johan­nes v. Gwin­ner pro­cee­ded with cau­ti­on and gre­at compassion. 

After the last ses­si­on I cle­ar­ly reco­gni­zed the reasons for my beha­vi­or and fee­lings. I did not quit my job, but mere­ly redu­ced my hours and am now going back to work with more joy. 

I am very gra­teful to Johan­nes that he was able to help me and can the­r­e­fo­re recom­mend him wit­hout reservation.


With Johan­nes I imme­dia­te­ly felt very seen. Even the hurd­le of even making an appoint­ment (which is a real feat for me in depres­si­ve pha­ses) was very accom­mo­da­ting thanks to online boo­king and prompt appoint­ments. In the ses­si­ons, John hel­ped me visua­li­ze and make tan­gi­ble my emo­ti­ons and face my doubts in a more cle­ared way. The space was held well so that pain and sad­ness could be ful­ly the­re. Through his mir­ro­ring way I was able to look for my own way out of the situa­ti­on after­wards. Thank you for the respectful and warm support.

Many gree­tings



I went to Johan­nes with a gre­at sen­se of con­fi­ne­ment and being at the mer­cy of cer­tain situa­tions. In five ses­si­ons we loo­ked at the­se fee­lings tog­e­ther. Through his very kind, clear and humo­rous way, it was easy for me to open up.

At 17 years old, I am still in the ear­ly stages of get­ting to know mys­elf bet­ter, but his ses­si­ons were a safe place to look at mys­elf in a new way and to see aspects of mys­elf that I had never con­scious­ly rea­li­zed before.

He invi­ted me to dive into love and per­cei­ve the­re the omni­pre­sent light­ness that exists within me. With many enligh­tening moments, con­ver­sa­ti­ons and insights richer, I step out of the­se ses­si­ons and can only recom­mend them!

Thank you Johannes!!


Hyp­no­the­ra­py with Johan­nes has hel­ped me to work on and resol­ve my inner turmoil.
Sin­ce I star­ted working with Johan­nes I feel bet­ter, clea­rer and more sorted. 

Fur­ther­mo­re, we work on fal­se beliefs from child­hood which also pro­vi­des a lot of posi­ti­ve trans­for­ma­ti­on in my life.
Johan­nes works very pro­fes­sio­nal­ly, rela­xed and with humor which hel­ped me to build trust quickly.

I real­ly enjoy working with Johan­nes and can high­ly recom­mend him as a the­ra­pist.


Jana’s Testimonial

I have felt very com­for­ta­ble and lis­ten­ed to in the cou­ples the­ra­py gui­dance by Johan­nes v. Gwin­ner and have expe­ri­en­ced him as very pre­sent and con­stant­ly atten­ti­ve, which has direct­ly invi­ted me (wit­hout nee­ding a “warm-up” pha­se, so to speak) to open up and show mys­elf with my inner being and “what is” — even if in my trance. 
I also found Johan­nes to be very con­stant in his neutrality/“impartiality”, he was open and atten­ti­ve to both of us. 
I felt very unders­tood, which was good. 
I also felt direct­ly trus­ted in our three-per­son constellation. 
Thank you very much for that! 
It was for me over­all, from the “cou­ple the­ra­py set­ting”, a coher­ent and flu­id feeling.

Jochen’s Testimonial

Johan­nes has accom­pa­nied us /​ me in a cou­ples the­ra­py in an online ver­si­on and has ope­ned clo­sed doors through his sen­si­ti­ve work, so that my wife and I have found a level of con­ver­sa­ti­on again through his work. Johan­nes also under­stands his work very well in video con­fe­ren­cing, we real­ly enjoy­ed the imple­men­ta­ti­on. Johan­nes is high­ly recom­men­ded as a cou­ple the­ra­pist!

Lisa S.

The posi­ti­ve effect of my ses­si­ons with Johan­nes is alre­a­dy cle­ar­ly noti­ceable in my ever­y­day life, for mys­elf and others around me: Ins­tead of only being able to react on impul­se as befo­re, I now con­scious­ly take time to brea­the befo­re acting and can thus respond more lovin­g­ly and open­ly to what is said. Also, my abili­ty to lis­ten and sepa­ra­te mys­elf from what is being said wit­hout fee­ling atta­cked has great­ly impro­ved my hand­ling of poten­ti­al con­flict situa­tions. Johan­nes’ methods are easy to inte­gra­te and yet incre­di­bly effec­ti­ve — I am alre­a­dy so gra­teful for this chan­ge in my self-per­cep­ti­on and rela­ti­onships and look for­ward to ever­y­thing else that is to come.

Uwe — Author — Testimonial

Some­ti­mes it’s not the big jour­ney, some­ti­mes it’s just the ques­ti­on of why “some­thing” no lon­ger works pro­fes­sio­nal­ly the way it used to.
That could lead deep into child­hood, but I’ve been the­re seve­ral times. I don’t want ano­ther look back. I don’t want ano­ther twen­ty-five hours of talk therapy.
I need a con­cre­te path from the pre­sent to the future. The reflec­tion of my role in it. What do I want, what do I need. 
Two pos­si­bi­li­ties emer­ge: let­ting go or gras­ping the “some­thing” more cle­ar­ly. Both times I am at the focus. Four the­ra­py ses­si­ons with Johan­nes von Gwin­ner con­tri­bu­ted to a prompt clarification. 
The result was ama­zing and dif­fe­rent than expec­ted. Johan­nes von Gwin­ner leads me to the decisi­ve point with pati­ent, open and pre­cise ques­ti­ons. Ever­y­day life speaks the truth. 
That sounds cryp­tic, but it’s true. It was extre­me­ly hel­pful to get rid of bal­last, to focus and con­cen­tra­te. Thank you for that.


Contact Johannes von Gwinner


Neue Jakobstra­ße 1–3
10179 Ber­lin (Mit­te)
(Bell: Kör­per­raum Mit­te, 2. OG left)

Phone — Mail

+49 30 54907420
