Couples Therapy — Berlin and online

Cou­ples coun­seling in my prac­ti­ce in Ber­lin-Mit­te or online

Psychotherapy and Hypnosis

Indi­vi­du­al ses­si­ons in the prac­ti­ce in Ber­lin-Mit­te or as an online appointment.

I am a sta­te-cer­ti­fied heal­ing prac­ti­tio­ner for psy­cho­the­ra­pyI sup­port cli­ents in deal­ing with psy­cho­lo­gi­cal pain, anxie­ty, depres­si­on or other sym­ptoms. The reasons can be many, trau­ma is one of them. Spi­ri­tu­al self-dis­co­very and over­co­ming lack of self-esteem are fur­ther focal points of my work.

In the many years of my work in Psy­co­the­ra­py and Cou­ples The­ra­py, I could see how peo­p­le actual­ly over­co­me their cri­ses and even emer­ge stron­ger from them. Expe­ri­ence shows: It is pos­si­ble to find your per­so­nal hap­pi­ness and your own per­so­nal free­dom, regard­less of the circumstances!

I look for­ward to wel­co­ming you to my prac­ti­ce in Neue Jakobstras­se in Ber­lin-Mit­te or to a mee­ting via inter­net video ses­si­on. For a non-bin­ding preli­mi­na­ry dis­cus­sion, I am also available by phone.

Areas of indication and symptoms for psychotherapy or couples therapy


Life Cri­ses

Psy­chic pain

Blo­cka­des and lack of drive

Lack of self-esteem


Stress and tension

Hypnosis and Psychotherapy and Couples Therapy in Berlin

About Holi­stic Psy­cho­the­ra­py — Hyp­no­the­ra­py — Lee­la Therapy

The holi­stic psy­cho­the­ra­py, hyp­no­the­ra­py, and Lee­la the­ra­py were deve­lo­ped by the renow­ned spi­ri­tu­al tea­cher Eli Jaxon-Bear. It is based on self-expe­ri­ence and mindful­ness trai­ning and is always tail­o­red to the respec­ti­ve cli­ents. This the­ra­py ser­ves the awa­ke­ning from the mecha­nisms and pat­terns of human suf­fe­ring and is a path to per­so­nal free­dom and happiness.

The Lee­la The­ra­py con­sists of seve­ral pro­ven the­ra­py methods. The three pil­lars of the the­ra­py are:

  • the Mil­ton Erick­so­ni­an Hypnotherapy
  • self-explo­ra­ti­on, mindful­ness trai­ning and mediation
  • the tea­ching of the Enneagram

It is very well sui­ted to dis­sol­ve pat­terns of suf­fe­ring cau­sed by stressful con­di­ti­ons, which can pro­du­ce the most diver­se sym­ptoms on a phy­si­cal, emo­tio­nal and men­tal level. Pat­terns of suf­fe­ring often have to do with phe­no­me­na in the sub­con­scious. Exact­ly the­re is the main field of action of hyp­no­sis the­ra­py. For exam­p­le, trau­ma­tic expe­ri­en­ces of the past can be pro­ces­sed in a heal­ing way.
On a deep level we are able to find out how we crea­te the trance of our suf­fe­ring. So we are given the choice to stop. This leads to per­so­nal free­dom and hap­pi­ness. We expe­ri­ence the pos­si­bi­li­ty to have a quiet mind and an open heart — in the midst of the turm­oil and mad­ness of our life and the world. We learn not to have to react to every trig­ger, but can rely on a deeper intel­li­gence that is more trust­wor­t­hy than the super­fi­ci­al reac­tions of the mind.

Testimonials — what some of my clients say


The practice in Berlin-Mitte

About me

Johannes v. Gwinner

Sin­ce 1999 I have been taking part in trai­nings and fur­ther edu­ca­ti­ons in the psy­cho­the­ra­peu­tic field. The­re has always been a con­nec­tion to the spi­ri­tu­al side of self-rea­liza­ti­on and self-awareness.

The rea­liza­ti­on was: It is pos­si­ble to wake up from the per­so­nal trance of suf­fe­ring! When the mind beco­mes still, we can reco­gni­ze our true natu­re and find per­so­nal peace.

Fur­ther the­ra­peu­tic training:

Sta­te-cer­ti­fied Heal­ing Prac­ti­tio­ner for Psychotherapy

In the “Lee­la School” foun­ded by Eli Jaxon, cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on in cli­ni­cal hyp­no­sis (A.C.H.E. Ame­ri­can Coun­cil of Hyp­no­tist Exami­ners), hyp­no­the­ra­py and NLP in com­bi­na­ti­on with the Enne­agram (Lee­la The­ra­py) to beco­me a men­tor of the “Lee­la School.

Com­ple­ti­on of trai­ning as a prac­ti­tio­ner of the Grin­berg Method, a metho­do­lo­gy of body-ori­en­ted psy­cho­the­ra­py and cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on as a prac­ti­tio­ner Pant­arei Approach.



Neue Jakobstra­ße 1–3
10179 Ber­lin (Mit­te)
(Bell: Kör­per­raum Mit­te, 2. OG left)

Phone — Mail

+49 30 54907420


Information — Disclaimer

The forms of the­ra­py and metho­do­lo­gies men­tio­ned here work via the body and the con­ver­sa­ti­on. They are not inten­ded for peo­p­le suf­fe­ring from a dise­a­se that is con­side­red life-threa­tening, nor are they sui­ta­ble as a repla­ce­ment for medi­cal or psych­ia­tric tre­at­ment for serious ill­nesses or com­plaints. It does not requi­re any ideo­lo­gi­cal or mys­ti­cal atti­tu­des or cer­tain lifestyle.

Infor­ma­ti­on /​ Can­cel­la­ti­on: Ses­si­ons can be can­ce­led or can­ce­led free of char­ge up to 24 hours in advan­ce. Ses­si­ons /​ vou­ch­ers can­ce­led or missed later will be char­ged /​ expi­re.

Impres­sum – Datenschutzerklärung


Cer­ti­fi­ca­te in cli­ni­cal Hyp­no­sis A.C.H.E. Ame­ri­can Coun­cil of Hyp­no­tist Exami­ners — Men­tor of the Lee­la School

Heal­ing Prac­ti­tio­ner for Psychotherapy

Prac­ti­tio­ner of the Grin­berg Method

Cer­ti­fied Prac­ti­tio­ner Pant­arei Approach

Bei Fragen senden Sie eine Nachricht oder buchen Sie ein kostenloses Gespräch:

+49 30 54907420