Cou­ples The­ra­py in Ber­lin-Mit­te or online
Johan­nes von Gwinner
Book here
Cou­ples The­ra­py in Ber­lin-Mit­te or online
Johan­nes von Gwinner
Book here

Learn Nonviolent Communication in Couples Therapy

Resolving Conflicts and Strengthening Your Relationship

Do you and your part­ner feel stuck in recur­ring con­flicts or emo­tio­nal­ly distant from each other? Does your rela­ti­onship some­ti­mes feel like a con­stant rol­ler­co­as­ter of misun­derstan­dings and frus­tra­ti­on? The­se chal­lenges are often why cou­ples turn to cou­ples the­ra­py. Non­vio­lent com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on (NVC) can be a powerful tool to break des­truc­ti­ve pat­terns and crea­te a deeper con­nec­tion bet­ween you and your partner.

Why Nonviolent Communication is an Essential Part of Couples Therapy

Nonviolent Communication in Couples TherapyMany cou­ples seek cou­ples the­ra­py becau­se their rela­ti­onships are strai­ned by recur­ring con­flicts, poor com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, or uncon­scious pro­jec­tions. Argu­ments often stem from the desi­re to feel heard and unders­tood while strugg­ling to express emo­ti­ons and needs cle­ar­ly. Non­vio­lent com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, deve­lo­ped by Mar­shall B. Rosen­berg, pro­vi­des a struc­tu­red method to chan­ge the­se dynamics.

In cou­ples the­ra­py, part­ners learn how to:

  • Break cycles of bla­me and defen­si­ve­ness by focu­sing on their own fee­lings and needs.
  • Com­mu­ni­ca­te needs cle­ar­ly and respectful­ly wit­hout pres­su­ring the other person.
  • Crea­te a safe space for honest and vul­nerable conversations.
  • Build emo­tio­nal rap­port by actively lis­tening to and under­stan­ding each other.

The Most Common Challenges Addressed in Couples Therapy

Most cou­ples start cou­ples the­ra­py becau­se they face the fol­lo­wing challenges:

  • Fre­quent argu­ments: Small dis­agree­ments often esca­la­te, lea­ving both part­ners frus­tra­ted and hurt.
  • Emo­tio­nal dis­con­nec­tion: One part­ner feels lonely and unseen, while the other feels cri­ti­ci­zed or misunderstood.
  • Cul­tu­ral dif­fe­ren­ces: Inter­cul­tu­ral cou­ples, in par­ti­cu­lar, face chal­lenges rela­ted to dif­fe­ring values or com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on styles.
  • Unre­sol­ved wounds and trig­gers: Past expe­ri­en­ces influence beha­vi­ors and reac­tions within the relationship.
  • Unhe­alt­hy reac­tion pat­terns: Part­ners uncon­scious­ly respond to each other by eit­her attack­ing or avo­i­ding the issue.

Nonviolent Communication in Practice: A Path to a New Understanding

Non­vio­lent com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is built on four simp­le yet powerful steps, which you will learn and prac­ti­ce during cou­ples the­ra­py:

  1. Obser­va­ti­on:Descri­be what hap­pen­ed wit­hout jud­ging or inter­pre­ting.
    Ins­tead of: “You always igno­re me!”
    Try: “I noti­ced you were loo­king at your pho­ne while I was tal­king to you.”
  2. Fee­lings:Share how you feel about the situa­ti­on wit­hout bla­ming the other per­son.
    Ins­tead of: “You make me so angry!”
    Try: “When that hap­pens, I feel sad and unimportant.”
  3. Needs:Express the need behind your fee­lings.
    Ins­tead of: “You should try har­der!”
    Try: “I need us to spend more qua­li­ty time together.”
  4. Request:Make a con­cre­te request wit­hout being deman­ding.
    Ins­tead of: “Why can’t you ever lis­ten?”
    Try: “Could you put your pho­ne away while we’re talking?”

Examples: How Communication can improve with Couples Therapy

Exam­p­le 1: A part­ner feels ignored

  • Befo­re cou­ples the­ra­py: “You’re always so sel­fi­sh! You never care about me!”
  • After cou­ples the­ra­py (using NVC): “I noti­ced you didn’t respond when I told you about my day. That made me feel sad becau­se I value our time to con­nect. Could we set asi­de some time later to talk?”

Exam­p­le 2: Con­flicts due to cul­tu­ral differences

  • Befo­re cou­ples the­ra­py: “Your fami­ly is always inter­fe­ring in our lives!”
  • After cou­ples the­ra­py (using NVC): “When your fami­ly makes decis­i­ons wit­hout con­sul­ting us, I feel left out. It’s important to me that we make decis­i­ons tog­e­ther as a cou­ple. Can we dis­cuss this in the future?”

Building Rapport and Emotional Connection in Couples Therapy

An essen­ti­al part of cou­ples the­ra­py is re-estab­li­shing rap­port, a har­mo­nious con­nec­tion bet­ween part­ners. Rap­port emer­ges when both part­ners tru­ly lis­ten to and under­stand each other’s fee­lings and needs. To do this, you have to empa­thise with the other person’s ener­gy, so to speak, and some­ti­mes mir­ror it. In the­ra­py, you will learn how to crea­te emo­tio­nal ali­gnment through mindful lis­tening and honest dialogue.

For ins­tance:
Ins­tead of say­ing: “You just don’t get me!”
Try say­ing: “I feel like we’re often tal­king past each other. I wish you’d try to see things from my perspective.”

The Role of Couples Therapy: Resolving Conflicts and Strengthening the Relationship

Cou­ples the­ra­py pro­vi­des a safe space whe­re you and your part­ner can work on your rela­ti­onship tog­e­ther. You’ll not only learn how to de-esca­la­te con­flicts but also how to app­ly non­vio­lent com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on in your dai­ly life, buil­ding long-term harm­o­ny and trust. The­se chan­ges often start with small steps and a wil­ling­ness to redis­co­ver your part­ner on a deeper level.

Book a Couples Therapy Session Today

Are you rea­dy to trans­form your rela­ti­onship? A typi­cal ses­si­on lasts 90 minu­tes and is recom­men­ded every two weeks. In urgent cases, weekly ses­si­ons are also pos­si­ble. Indi­vi­du­al ses­si­ons for one part­ner are also available to address per­so­nal trig­gers and challenges.

Book your cou­ples the­ra­py ses­si­on now – in Ber­lin-Mit­te or online via Zoom. Use the boo­king sys­tem on my web­site or reach out via email if you have any questions.

Vereinbaren Sie einen unverbindlichen Beratungstermin
  • Ich bera­te Sie indi­vi­du­ell und unver­bind­lich unter 030 54907420 oder per Mail:
  • Hin­ter­las­sen Sie unten ihre Kon­takt­da­ten, ich mel­de mich ger­ne bei Ihnen.
  • Buchen Sie einen kos­ten­lo­sen Bera­tungs­ter­min online hier:

Johan­nes v. Gwinner
Heil­prak­ti­ker für Psychotherapie
Neue Jakobstra­ße 1–3
10179 Ber­lin (Mit­te)
(Klin­gel: Kör­per­raum Mit­te, 2. OG links)

Tele­fon — Mail

+49 30 54907420


Kos­ten­lo­se Bera­tung buchen

Wei­te­re Berich­te von mei­nen Klient*innen.

Infor­ma­tio­nen zu Prei­sen und Pake­ten für Hyp­no­se und Psy­cho­the­ra­pie in Ber­lin Mitte.

Book a free consultation now, approx. 15 min

You will be redi­rec­ted to the online ser­vice Calend­ly, whe­re you can sel­ect a date and time. You will recei­ve an e‑mail remin­der and also the opti­on to chan­ge or can­cel appointments. 

Book couples therapy session:

You will be redi­rec­ted to the online ser­vice Calendly:



Neue Jakobstra­ße 1–3
10179 Ber­lin (Mit­te)
(Klin­gel: Kör­per­raum Mit­te, 2. OG links)

Telefon — Mail

+49 30 54907420


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