Paartherapie - Psychotherapie - Hypnose - Berlin


I was with Johan­nes to pro­cess the death of my mother, and inde­ed it beca­me an inten­se, very valuable and libe­ra­ting explo­ra­ti­on of my child­hood. In just a few minu­tes, almost in every ses­si­on, we came across very essen­ti­al expe­ri­en­ces, beliefs, fears and lon­gings, which I was not only able to feel and bring into moti­on, but with his help I was also able to trans­form them into very con­cre­te ide­as for deal­ing with them. After 10 ses­si­ons, I have now rea­ched the goal of my actu­al con­cern; and I am a litt­le dif­fe­rent per­son than befo­re. Freer, cal­mer, more con­scious and more trus­ting. Thank you Johan­nes, that was a gre­at and a litt­le bit mira­cu­lous coope­ra­ti­on with you!

Tim — Coach — Berlin
