Paartherapie - Psychotherapie - Hypnose - Berlin


Hi Johan­nes,
I rea­li­zed, sin­ce the the­ra­py ses­si­on with you, that my rela­ti­onship with my mother has been res­to­red to one of love, com­pas­si­on, harm­o­ny, and joyful inter­ac­tion. I’m sure it has to do with the pro­cess you took me through for it is utter­ly fresh. My mother tells me she has felt a shift within hers­elf, as well. I find mys­elf awa­re and open in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons, now asking, “What is it you want mom? What would you like?” (Ins­tead if run­ning out the door in pain, with my mind chat­te­ring!) So, I feel such gre­at gra­ti­tu­de for the time you gave to me and the bles­sing of heal­ing. May it continue.
Love, Ronald