Paartherapie - Psychotherapie - Hypnose - Berlin


I suf­fe­r­ed from a fee­ling about my work, which made me feel very depres­sed again and again. In seve­ral psy­cho­the­ra­py ses­si­ons we inves­ti­ga­ted this tog­e­ther and last time a lot of fear came up, Johan­nes invi­ted me to look deeper into the fear and to explo­re what the natu­re of it is. Even­tual­ly I could expe­ri­ence wide-open space and an open­ness! I was in open loving ener­gy for half an hour. That was excellent.
The main dis­co­very was that when I am in open loving ener­gy ever­y­thing I do pro­fes­sio­nal­ly can be ful­fil­ling. On top I can do some­thing that I also enjoy. He also focu­sed on how I lea­ve that open space, rei­den­ti­fy and take things per­so­nal­ly.  When­ever I take a fee­ling per­so­nal­ly I reidentify.

Johan­nes tech­ni­que is excellent.