Paartherapie - Psychotherapie - Hypnose - Berlin


In the begin­ning of the hyp­no­sis I felt more and more hea­vy, like deep sleep and at the same time awa­ke and awa­re. I felt safe and well taken care of. I came to the the­ra­py with some­thing in my life whe­re I am suf­fe­ring emo­tio­nal­ly and phy­si­cal­ly at the same time. It felt like the oppo­si­te of what I actual­ly wan­ted. Johan­nes let me dis­co­ver tho­se two very dif­fe­rent expe­ri­en­ces and how I can bring them tog­e­ther. The expe­ri­ence was very inte­res­t­ing! I felt strong cen­te­red and rela­xed. I lear­ned how to distance from an old belief that wea­k­ens me.
I tru­ly recom­mend Johan­nes becau­se he is the­re with an art of empa­thy, curio­si­ty and respect for the other per­son. I feel safe and seen.