Paartherapie - Psychotherapie - Hypnose - Berlin


I came to Johan­nes with a gre­at dilem­ma in my life. In the Hyp­no­sis I went into a deep­ness, groun­ded, no thin­king any more sta­te, very silent. Then I went into the situa­ti­on which cau­sed the dilem­ma like it was a film that I was play­ing in. And the­re I could easi­ly chan­ge the situa­ti­on and lear­ned that I have the choice to trans­form my life into what I real­ly want!
It made me real­ly hap­py and ful­fil­led to feel this new situa­ti­on. This is an ama­zing tool to trans­form the histo­ry and past. Johan­nes gives me a fee­ling of trust and space whe­re I can be.