
My expe­ri­ence about this type of psychotherapy:
I much enjoy­ed to be able to sink and let mys­elf fall into the situa­ti­on that was bothe­ring me in my dai­ly life. I felt I don’t have to ful­fill any­thing or don’t have to meet expec­ta­ti­ons. This crea­ted trust and a fee­ling of rela­xa­ti­on. He allo­wed me to look at my situa­ti­on wit­hout wan­ting to chan­ge any­thing. He allo­wed me to feel the dif­fe­rent aspects and to be with them at the same time. So, I could inte­gra­te both sides, which felt strong. I felt con­nec­ted to most inner wis­hes and stop­ped fight­ing, which felt gre­at. I could see that the­re is a strong power in inte­gra­ting, accep­ting and allo­wing vulnerability.
With this spi­ri­tu­al the­ra­py one can sink into expe­ri­en­ces and fee­lings that are nor­mal­ly hid­den and pro­tec­ted. I didn’t feel at all forced to do so, I could always deci­de how deep I want to go.