Paartherapie - Psychotherapie - Hypnose - Berlin


I went to Johan­nes with a gre­at sen­se of con­fi­ne­ment and being at the mer­cy of cer­tain situa­tions. In five ses­si­ons we loo­ked at the­se fee­lings tog­e­ther. Through his very kind, clear and humo­rous way, it was easy for me to open up.

At 17 years old, I am still in the ear­ly stages of get­ting to know mys­elf bet­ter, but his ses­si­ons were a safe place to look at mys­elf in a new way and to see aspects of mys­elf that I had never con­scious­ly rea­li­zed before.

He invi­ted me to dive into love and per­cei­ve the­re the omni­pre­sent light­ness that exists within me. With many enligh­tening moments, con­ver­sa­ti­ons and insights richer, I step out of the­se ses­si­ons and can only recom­mend them!

Thank you Johannes!!
