Paartherapie - Psychotherapie - Hypnose - Berlin


With Johan­nes I imme­dia­te­ly felt very seen. Even the hurd­le of even making an appoint­ment (which is a real feat for me in depres­si­ve pha­ses) was very accom­mo­da­ting thanks to online boo­king and prompt appoint­ments. In the ses­si­ons, John hel­ped me visua­li­ze and make tan­gi­ble my emo­ti­ons and face my doubts in a more cle­ared way. The space was held well so that pain and sad­ness could be ful­ly the­re. Through his mir­ro­ring way I was able to look for my own way out of the situa­ti­on after­wards. Thank you for the respectful and warm support.

Many gree­tings
