Paartherapie - Psychotherapie - Hypnose - Berlin


In a depres­si­ve pha­se I came to Johan­nes and from the begin­ning I felt well cared for and safe with him. His atten­ti­on to my men­tal and phy­si­cal con­di­ti­on during the con­ver­sa­ti­on and in the fol­lo­wing tre­at­ment was always car­ri­ed by sym­pa­thy and deep huma­ni­ty. In this way I was able to let mys­elf in on […]

Joachim F., author

Johan­nes hel­ped me through a seve­re per­so­nal cri­sis, whe­re I was not able to get ahead with nor­mal psy­cho­the­ra­py. With empa­thy and empa­thy he show­ed me how I can influence my emo­ti­ons and psy­chic sta­tes through body awa­re­ness and body con­trol.  A tru­ly holi­stic work, which Johan­nes accom­pa­nies with care, respect and a lot of […]


I suf­fe­r­ed from a fee­ling about my work, which made me feel very depres­sed again and again. In seve­ral psy­cho­the­ra­py ses­si­ons we inves­ti­ga­ted this tog­e­ther and last time a lot of fear came up, Johan­nes invi­ted me to look deeper into the fear and to explo­re what the natu­re of it is. Even­tual­ly I could […]


Hi Johan­nes, I rea­li­zed, sin­ce the the­ra­py ses­si­on with you, that my rela­ti­onship with my mother has been res­to­red to one of love, com­pas­si­on, harm­o­ny, and joyful inter­ac­tion. I’m sure it has to do with the pro­cess you took me through for it is utter­ly fresh. My mother tells me she has felt a shift […]


Johan­nes invi­ted me to look at a situa­ti­on in my life that I suf­fer from or that I might want to chan­ge. Strong emo­ti­ons came up and he gui­ded me to what was deeper. I went through a black hole expe­ri­en­cing rage and com­ple­te betra­y­al. In the last part of the black hole I saw […]


I had the strong fee­ling of being a vic­tim during the epi­so­des of depres­si­on. In sum­ma­ry, I can say Johan­nes explai­ned me that it’s a lear­ned beha­vi­or. He led me into a hyp­no­sis, as an expe­ri­ence to explo­re about this. The­re I could see my past from a distance. My for­mer and my pre­sent self […]


My expe­ri­ence about this type of psy­cho­the­ra­py: I much enjoy­ed to be able to sink and let mys­elf fall into the situa­ti­on that was bothe­ring me in my dai­ly life. I felt I don’t have to ful­fill any­thing or don’t have to meet expec­ta­ti­ons. This crea­ted trust and a fee­ling of rela­xa­ti­on. He allo­wed me […]


In the begin­ning of the hyp­no­sis I felt more and more hea­vy, like deep sleep and at the same time awa­ke and awa­re. I felt safe and well taken care of. I came to the the­ra­py with some­thing in my life whe­re I am suf­fe­ring emo­tio­nal­ly and phy­si­cal­ly at the same time. It felt like […]


I came to Johan­nes with a gre­at dilem­ma in my life. In the Hyp­no­sis I went into a deep­ness, groun­ded, no thin­king any more sta­te, very silent. Then I went into the situa­ti­on which cau­sed the dilem­ma like it was a film that I was play­ing in. And the­re I could easi­ly chan­ge the situation […]


Johan­nes is very gifted, clear, and kind. Sort of a spi­ri­tu­al sci­en­tist. He lis­tens and responds respectful­ly. The Hyp­­no-trance jour­ney was par­ti­cu­lar­ly hel­pful in working with the grie­ving pro­cess of losing my mother. His work is part of a wide world of mindful­ness trai­ning in which you face and go through your chal­lenges, final­ly reaching […]