Jochen’s Testimonial

Johan­nes has accom­pa­nied us /​​ me in a cou­ples the­ra­py in an online ver­si­on and has ope­ned clo­sed doors through his sen­si­ti­ve work, so that my wife and I have found a level of con­ver­sa­ti­on again through his work. Johan­nes also under­stands his work very well in video con­fe­ren­cing, we real­ly enjoy­ed the imple­men­ta­ti­on. Johannes […]

Jana’s Testimonial

I have felt very com­for­ta­ble and lis­ten­ed to in the cou­ples the­ra­py gui­dance by Johan­nes v. Gwin­ner and have expe­ri­en­ced him as very pre­sent and con­stant­ly atten­ti­ve, which has direct­ly invi­ted me (wit­hout nee­ding a “warm-up” pha­se, so to speak) to open up and show mys­elf with my inner being and “what is” — even […]